
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sunday Dinners with Tony : Braciole

Good Morning Lovelies !!

   I wanted to start a new series for my blog and since I love to cook and bake I figured this would be a perfect fit! Sunday Dinners fit in with this because growing up my Family would get together on Sundays after Church and my Grandfather would cook and be in the kitchen all day making his Sauce or Gravy (whichever part of Italy you are from) My Grandfather is 100% Sicilian-Italian, First Generation American. Being the youngest of 8 he learned a lot, and his Mother my Great-Grandmother was an amazing cook. She passed down her recipes to her children, they then passed it down to theirs and now I know them! Special Recipes made with love and some with a little Louisiana Flare... you can't get any better than that!

I am kicking off this series with a big bang.... BRACIOLE !

Some grocery stores sell meat that is labeled "Braciole meat" "Flank steak Braciole Meat" you can also get "Round Top" meat, if you do not like this certain meat you can of course substitute with pork, hell even chicken, just make sure its sliced thin (or you can beat it thin)

For this meal I used the Flank Steak Braciole Meat... I got two packs of them which will equal 8 braciole.

Ok Step 1 is done. You got your meat!

Time to make your filling....

Garlic, Green Onions, Italian Seasoning Bread Crumbs, Parmesan Cheese, Parsley and Olive Oil.

Chop 4-5 Big Cloves of Garlic
Chop 1/2 of a Green Onion
1/2 Cup of Parmesan Cheese (add little by little until you get the flavoring you like)
up to 2 Cups of Italian Bread Crumbs
1/4 Cup of Parsley

Don't forget you need a heavy cotton rope to tie them shut!

You can add any seasoning you like, Substitute anything for something else. This is the base my family likes to use and depending on who is coming over sometimes we add a little more or a little less.

                   Mix your garlic, onion, Parmesan Cheese, Bread Crumbs and Parsley Together

 Then add Olive Oil, Start with 2 Tablespoons and work your way up. You do this to Moisten the Filling to make it "packable"

Step 2 is Done! You got your Breadcrumb Filling!! 

Now that your breadcrumb filling is done it is time to beat the meat and stuff the Braciole!!
But before I forget there is a secret ingredient to add... You want to have 4 to 6 hardboiled eggs ready to go. I like to cut them in to circle and then cut the circles in half, I find it is easier to roll that way but some people leave them whole, I have never tried it but it would definitely work. 

Now before you start to stuff the meat get a sauce pan or frying pan out and put cooking oil (I use Wesson Oil) on the bottom of the pan with a clove of garlic let it sit until you are ready to brown the meat. 

On another burner put your Sauce or Red Gravy however you say it. You want to take a cup of that and bring it over to your stuffing station.

Take the one piece of your meat, cut it in half and start beating it. You want to make sure they are nice and thin, it isn't suppose to be a thick meat roll. 

Once you have it thinned out place your eggs directly on the meat, followed by your breadcrumb mix and then put a little sauce on top. If you would rather not put the sauce you can add petite diced tomatoes and little of the juice it comes in. I didn't add that this time because not everyone in the Family loves a chunky tomato =] 

Once stuffed make sure you roll it tight, you may see some excess filling come out the sides or the bottom when you roll it and that's okay! This isn't a mess-free meal prep.

Once you rolled it tight, take your heavy cotton rope and tie that sucker on each side (see picture below) You don't have to tie yours as tight as I did mine. Just tie it enough to where the roll won't come undone and everything won't fall out. Double knot it and TA-DA! Cut the excess rope off and you are ready to fry those bad boys up. 

After you have rolled all of your Braciole, turn the burner on for the frying pan with your oil and let it get warm (same with the sauce, turn the burner on and get your sauce cooking if it isn't already)
Place your meat in the frying pan, let it brown on all sides then once they brown place them in your sauce, which is where they will finish cooking. Once you have placed all of your Braciole in the pot with the sauce you can cover it and place it on a low to medium heat let sit for an hour / hour and a half.

In the time you are waiting, prepare your favorite pasta and make a little garlic and cheese bread and Voila ! 

** Don't forget to take the rope off before you start to eat**

Dinner is served !


I hope you enjoyed this recipe and Doctor it up any way that you see fit! If you have any questions please comment below and I will be happy to answer them for you! 

Thank you and Bon Appetite !
